Friday 28 October 2011


We did the narrative side of our filming at the beggining of the month and it was a successful shoot. We used our blogged location, and our actor was really willing to do exactly what we wanted. The filming process was long and slightly tedious as times, as with very little running water, it took us nearly an hour and a half to fill a bath with cold water. Ezgi was fab tho, and she was happy to do take after take, whilst sat in a freezing cold bath, in a house without heating or electric, at a nightly hour of about 7 o'clock!

The bath scene from Britney Spears pop video 'Everytime' inspired us to do a similar shot as we felt it succesfully connoted a suicide in a managable and well constructed manner whithout offending its audience, but at the same time suggesting an imbalance in her life. I think here we have achieved a good representation of the conventions of an emotional media product
this shot is evidence of our filming about to shoot the scene where Ezgi goes under the water in the bath, this follows the same image as below taken from the Britney Spears video.

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